Straightedge Club

So this past weekend we had Thanksgiving a bit early. Seeing as how peoples work schedules put them through actual Thanksgiving we decided to do it a week earlier. It was filled with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, dressing, gravy, all sorts of pies, and good fun. Throughout the day I got to check out a sweet DJ mixer and maybe even get to use it to officially mix some of my tracks. I’ve been using the laptop and MAGIX Music Maker.

Also got to play with some glow stick things attached to strings that you spin around and make cool shapes and designs in the air with. Total rave mode there. But without being under the influence. See to me Electronica and DJ shows isn’t about drugs or alcohol. That’s just stupid to me. I go there for the music. The music is my escape. I started listening to this type of music when I was around 13 or 14 and thought it was the best kind of music. My roots would have to be Darude and Alice Deejay. ATB and BT.

I’d love to make a straight edge club. One with no alcohol, no drugs, just plain Electronica and dance music. And guests that are there completely just for the music. If you have to take a drug to get the full experience of Electronica then I think you’re aren’t really living life. Using your mind’s eye and feel the energy of the music. You don’t need any drugs to do that. Experience it with your mind and body. Nothing polluting it.

Straight edge club, I can do it one day. Three rooms. Front room: Chillout, Ambient, and Triphop. Side Room 1: Dubstep, Happy Hardcore, Craziness. Side Room 2: Trance and Old School Techno. Central Dance Hall: Daft Punk and other good major Electronic artists for the night.

Hey one can dream right?

About Mark Lynch

My name is Mark but my friends call me Crimzen (used to be Lucky/LuckysRevenge). I'm 23 years old. A writer with constant writer's block, a computer musician, n00b web designer, and I'm trying to live each day at a time with positive energy all around. I want to make it through school and get a career not a job. I want to get my music out there and make my mark in the world. View all posts by Mark Lynch

2 responses to “Straightedge Club

  • iamscotia

    I appreciate your enthusiasm for a drug-free electronic culture, but you know not all drugs are “bad”, right?

    • LuckysRevenge

      To me they are and to several of my friends. I definitely don’t want to enforce my beliefs on people, but I would love to have a place where it wasn’t present inside or just outside of the venue. Do what you want at home that doesn’t concern me, but I want my club clean if it’s going to be mine.

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