Tag Archives: Jobs

Good News

Things are starting to look up. Today at 3pm I’m going to start training for my new full time job! I’m so excited. Nervous also. But it’s a call center so I feel it won’t be that bad. Better than Amazon Warehouse, that’s for sure. Warehouse work was killing me. And with this small country area, that’s about all that’s good around here. This full time call center is a godsend honestly. I can start saving again and I can start school this fall (finally after years)

I’m having a lot of great ideas. Mainly moving. I want my own place. I hope this job will help me secure that. But it may not. If it doesn’t I’m still saving as much as I can. Work through school and be able to do things with my wifey again. It will be so nice to go on a date again and have dinner besides a dollar heat up frozen dinner from Walmart.

I want to get a MIDI Keyboard to help start making even better music than I have been. I’ve been writing a script. Remember me talking about a Persona fan fiction story? I’m writing a movie script. I want this to be awesome. I want to create a movie about Persona. Now with all kinds of movies like these, it’s going to be my version of Persona. It’s not going to copy any of the games only certain aspects that the fans know. But translating it into a movie that people who don’t know about Persona will enjoy. Let’s also just say that it will merge with the way Shin Megami Tensei main title games go. With that said, it’s going to be insane.

Music wise again, I have this new project that I feel is getting no love. It seems like no one is really paying attention to it. But I think it’s crazy good. It might just be me, if it is, then oh well. But here’s the set list of what I’m working on. And as I’ve stated before, this music is (for me at least) what embodies my band name: Sleeping Awake. Let me know what you think , spread the word, this will be the next Sleeping Awake album.

Shin Megami Tensei fans keep your heads up for more In The Shadows Volume 4.

Sleep My Enemy

I’m counting down the hours until I have to sleep. Sleep isn’t even good for me anymore. It’s just a waste of time before I have to work. I view sleep as time that could be spent doing what I want. Spending it with my wifey and having fun. Now I know everyone wishes that they could have all the time in the world. And I know that I’m bitching, but I’m in a  bitchy mood right now.

I look at the clock and even though I don’t go to bed until midnight or just before. I see the clock as I have only five hours of free time left. When the weekend hits I view it as only two days of free time. Working there is so nasty. Factory jobs suck. I don’t care if someone else says ‘It’d be the same anywhere else.’ No it wouldn’t. I’ve worked everywhere else and I’d rather be at those other places even making less than being there right now.

I miss Hot Topic. Honestly. It’s the only job that I truly enjoyed and liked all my managers. I worked my butt off there and even took days off to work there. I liked it that much. Now it’s gone. And I hope my fellow HT co-workers have found better places and are thriving in this downtrodden economy.

There are so many great people in the world that are never recognized for all their hard work. People that have great talent that will never be seen in the public eye as great. But I live for the underground and while I do long for the spotlight. I’d rather see my creativity thrive in the underground. Popular amongst the unknown. Sleep I wish you could be nicer to me and give me comfort during my down time. But you are just a hassle right now. But trying to go insomniac isn’t good. It reared it’s ugly head and now I’m just a zombie in the slave factory. Looking for any way out.

Applications are in, I pray to God I hear from something!