Category Archives: Gaming

A Great Song

I’m working on quite a bit lately. It’s so nice to have internet sometimes I forget that I can just come home and hop on my laptop and use it 😉 Four months without it has been quite annoying. So I’ve been collectively working on story arcs. Working on some good music. And staying active and busy in my new job which is great!

Just wanted to give a quick update with that. There will be more coming soon I assure you. For right now I’ll leave you with this song that I heard from a fellow friend via the MaSu forums! Check it out I think you will enjoy it:

Anticipating Art and Price Drops!

The artwork for the 3 Volumes of In The Shadows is complete! I’m just waiting for the e-mail so I can finally see them. I’m still very excited!

While scanning through Amazon today I saw some really great deals! If you ever wanted to check out the Persona games or the regular Shin Megami Tensei series, most of their games are on sale on Amazon for 19.99! Here’s the link to Persona 4:

If you scan around I saw Persona 3 FES, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, and Digital Devil Saga for 19.99 as well. Great deals, especially right now in the summer. Usually you can’t find one of these under 30 bucks.

A Few More Updates

Some great news. The job is going very well, so far the training is good and the team leaders are great! I feel that this job will be refreshing, a learning experience, and of course good money to help me survive! Which also means my projects get to move further. Speaking of projects I’m very excited about the new album art coming to In The Shadows. Nyarko, a user from Deviant Art has agreed to make some album art from me and I am completely excited. Check out his work and give him some love:

He has amazing Shin Megami Tensei fan art and I can’t wait to see his album designs. That’s the biggest news. I’ve almost got In The Shadows Volume 4 completed and a lot of songs for it already. If you look in the post below I have a set list already up on Soundcloud with most of the tracks uploaded on it. A big favorite of mine is a remix that I did of Lover Arcana. When I originally made that song I wish it was longer and done a bit differently. Now I have done it! And since it’s the Lover Arcana that inspired it I renamed it Yukari’s Theme.

E3 is coming up soon so expect to see awesome posts from me about my favorite things. To follow E3 in FULL I recommend going to Kotaku. They are going to cover the entire thing as well as having streaming coverage. ❤ Kotaku!

Because I prefer the blog view 😉

Also the Crimzen General Project is still on going and will follow a set theme. With a story hopefully. I love the Coheed and Cambria concept of having an underlying story. Since I have no vocals I’m going to have an accompanying PDF file that tells a bit of a story to go with the music and I hope that it adds to the experience and you guys/gals enjoy! More tracks for that is coming soon as well! I’m a busy bee but don’t worry I’m still here even with no internet access, I wifi when I get the chance 😀

Well Now

Well several things to update on that is awesome! Skyrim’s DLC is coming out soon and there’s a trailer for it that gave me goosebumps 😀

Also ATLUS just released the teaser site for Shin Megami Tensei IV! But to my disappointment it’s coming to the 3DS. I don’t own a 3DS and I’m actually quite displeased that they would release a continuation of their console RPG on a handheld like the 3DS. I really want another console game to play. I have a Playstation 3 now, I’d love for SMT IV to be on the PS3! Heck even the PS2! But I digress, I’m happy they are making another one and it is continuing. Now I guess I have to save for a 3DS now. Check out the teaser site here:

Good Stress and Bad Stress and Awesome News

Posting and updating is even harder now because I have a new job and that’s taking up most of my time and I have no internet and with recent findings… I won’t be getting internet until I get my own place which won’t be for a year probably. Things are good stressful and bullshit stressful right now. How to deal with anxiety? I don’t know right now. It’s really hard. Some things stress me out more at home than they do anywhere else so going to work is almost a godsend in itself. The job I’m doing really isn’t that hard. But it’s a learning experience and it’s a great one. One I hope that by moving up I won’t have to do much school. Which that means less loans to pay back. I like that. The less debt the better.

I’m really just saving towards my own place for me and my girlfriend because things are just way to stressful where we’re at. Having to live with other people besides the one you want to be with causes so much extra unnecessary stress that you don’t need that wrecks your body. Honestly my health is being affected by it.

People talking behind your back. Making you feel like shit. Things like this happen in my situation and you have to suck it up and deal with it or you’re on the street. Taking beatings left and right. But I digress, it could be worse. Such is life. But I’m going to be getting out hopefully very soon with the woman I love and around people I want to be around.

I have in the works, a great thing coming soon! I have someone that might be able to do some amazing album artwork for me for my Shin Megami Tensei inspired albums: In The Shadows. He has extraordinary art and he looks like he should be working for ATLUS, that’s how good he is. Here’s his deviant art to check him out:

So this is semi-confirmed. We’re still writing back and forth on the details, but I for one am excited. I want to see this grow beyond my music. Into amazing fan created material and universe that could get recognized by ATLUS and the world! More people who play games should know about Shin Megami Tensei and how awesome it is. Especially people who are burnt out of Square Enix.

Speaking of In The Shadows, I have added something to Volume 4 setlist on Soundcloud. Take a listen for me and let me know how I’m doing! 😀

Good News

Things are starting to look up. Today at 3pm I’m going to start training for my new full time job! I’m so excited. Nervous also. But it’s a call center so I feel it won’t be that bad. Better than Amazon Warehouse, that’s for sure. Warehouse work was killing me. And with this small country area, that’s about all that’s good around here. This full time call center is a godsend honestly. I can start saving again and I can start school this fall (finally after years)

I’m having a lot of great ideas. Mainly moving. I want my own place. I hope this job will help me secure that. But it may not. If it doesn’t I’m still saving as much as I can. Work through school and be able to do things with my wifey again. It will be so nice to go on a date again and have dinner besides a dollar heat up frozen dinner from Walmart.

I want to get a MIDI Keyboard to help start making even better music than I have been. I’ve been writing a script. Remember me talking about a Persona fan fiction story? I’m writing a movie script. I want this to be awesome. I want to create a movie about Persona. Now with all kinds of movies like these, it’s going to be my version of Persona. It’s not going to copy any of the games only certain aspects that the fans know. But translating it into a movie that people who don’t know about Persona will enjoy. Let’s also just say that it will merge with the way Shin Megami Tensei main title games go. With that said, it’s going to be insane.

Music wise again, I have this new project that I feel is getting no love. It seems like no one is really paying attention to it. But I think it’s crazy good. It might just be me, if it is, then oh well. But here’s the set list of what I’m working on. And as I’ve stated before, this music is (for me at least) what embodies my band name: Sleeping Awake. Let me know what you think , spread the word, this will be the next Sleeping Awake album.

Shin Megami Tensei fans keep your heads up for more In The Shadows Volume 4.

OMGZ Snow Elves

So lots of my time has been spent in the Elder Scrolls universe. Mainly Skyrim. And there has been some code that someone found in one of the new patches that suggests what could be lying in wait in the Expansion. Snow Elves! You know those darn elves that were once a prominent race amongst the rest of Skyrim. Well they could be making a comeback and that comeback could be in the form of an Expansion Pack. As well as MF’n Crossbows! I for one would be stoked to have a crossbow. That’s just me though.

In other news, new project CLU3! You should totally go download my album, it’s free. And I have more coming very soon. This chiptune stuff is so awesome. So what are you waiting for? Get to downloading!

Next Gen Systems?

Ok so with all the talk going around the internet about these new gen systems. I’ve been researching this and trying to find as much info as possible. I don’t know the exact specs but I do know what they said about certain systems. The Playstation Orbis for instance will be able to pump out more HD graphics than the PS3 and be able to play on larger high definition TVs without choppiness (mainly the 3D HD games in 1080p) which is impressive. If I cared about 3D.

I have a 30 inch TV. In my room that’s not that big. I’m perfectly fine with the graphics. Then again I’ve never been a guy that cared about how many blades of grass he could see [while limitless amusing to me having ADD (hitting roots in Oblivion to see dust fall amazed me for hours)] But when it boils down to it, for me it’s all about the gameplay, not the graphics.

Gameplay is the most important part, I feel, in video games. You could have the most amazing effects, talented voice acting, and a big company to back the game up and still have a crappy game. I view it like a movie. It doesn’t have to be an Academy Award Winner for me, just make it fun and make it so I keep coming back for more! Maybe this is why the next generation is being ushered in. Maybe they hear the sighs of millions of gamers disappointed by the so-called Game of the Year…

Then it comes down to the economy, and yes I’m talking about money. After all these years I’ve been able to just now get a PS3. I have just now been able to get the internet to play on Xbox Live. Some say might say: What rock have you been living under? Well the rock of every normal person that lives just outside the range of good internet! There’s tons of people out there like that, believe me, I’ve talked to them. So the new Playstation and the new Xbox? I don’t have the money to buy you right now. I want to play what you already have right now! That you can still do some good in!

Right now I play most of the blockbuster games and I’m left with a meh feeling. Some good moments but still some really bad. And I feel that if they’re developing these new consoles will they do away with the 360 and PS3 entirely? Sony seems to be heading that direction and returning to the motive of destroying used games. I get that you want the developers to get more money to make more games, I get that. And I support that. What I don’t support is having that used game linked to my account and my account only. That’s a horrible idea! I have to be connected to your online network just to boot up single-player? Bad move Sony and bad move Microsoft. If this is in the final stages of your system I won’t buy. If I want that I’ll just go on Steam and play on my PC. Console games are made for the home and that’s why.

And also we’re getting into more gadgets. What is up with that? I have a Kinect and a Move and I rarely even use them. They’re all fun for about a day or two then I pick my controller back up and play regular games. These motion controls and 3D are complete gimmicks. Yet people buy them up. And that’s why they’re being implemented in these newer consoles about to come out. These things must stop. If I want a Wii… I’ll buy a Wii.

That’s all I have to rant about at the moment. I’m sure I’ll rant more later.


Only 24hrs Left…

To get your free copy of the very first Fallout game on PC! There’s this incredible site called It stands for Good Old Games. And rightfully so. They have a catalog over over 300 games like: Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, Duke Nukem, Might and Magic, and several other good old games.

So for 48 hours they are giving away the first Fallout game…for FREE! So what are you waiting for? There’s only 24 hours left to get it now! My post on this was late. Here’s the linkage:

Assassin’s Creed Revelations

So with the economy in the shitter here and money being scarce. Video game buying is very very limited for me. So when I see that Gamestop has an insane deal on something I really want, I pounce on it before they jump it back up to 40 or 50 dollars. I’m very much looking forward to Assasssin’s Creed Revelations vs. Mass Effect 3. And since AC:R is now $19.99 at Gamestop, you better believe that I will be picking it up tomorrow. Brand new copies too.

Also I could be making a Youtube channel soon of me ranting in voice and visual form than written form. Still up in the air of how this will go but if it goes semi-well I might continue it. We shall see. Oh and my nickname has changed significantly. I’m in a new stage and chapter in my life and my friends have now dubbed me Crimzen. So I’ll be going by that instead of Lucky or LuckysRevenge. So if you see posts by Crimzen, it’s still me. Just new name 😉