Tag Archives: Free Music

Track Listings

So there’s two new albums coming out soon. In The Shadows Volume 4 and a to be announced Sleeping Awake title. For that such Sleeping Awake album I have a teaser. Those joining my lobby’s on plug.dj have heard these songs already. Here’s the list so far:

  1. Subtle Things
  2. Question Everything
  3. Crystal Moon
  4. Somewhere, There’s Always A Light

Much more to come! Here’s also a quick rundown of ITSV4:

  1. New Season
  2. I Won’t Let You Die Alone
  3. Ode To The Fool
  4. Battle Tactics
  5. Holding On To Forever
  6. I’ve Got A Strange Feeling
  7. Butterfly Tree
  8. Restless Night
  9. The Old Bookstore
  10. Yukari’s Theme (Lover Arcana Remix)
  11. Retribution of The Lost
  12. Spirit Molecule (Thou Art I, I Art Thou)


Rise of a Digital Nation

So there have been many things that I’ve wanted to do. Time never seems to be on my side either. I have so many projects going around that it’s almost overwhelming. BUT that’s okay, because all of these projects are awesome!

Ever since I discovered this website plug.dj I’ve been addicted to it. I’ve been able to play my own music and gained some popularity by creating the Velvet Room lobby and playing my favorite Persona and SMT tunes. Mixing my own in there as well randomly. It has been a blast and I hope to continue to run the lobby! I even have an assistant running it now as well. And if you ever want to drop in and listen to some awesome tunes, feel free to do so! You can see whenever the lobby is open by liking us on FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheVelvetRoomLobby

And of course my main project Sleeping Awake is still around. New music is coming soon. I got some mixed reviews on my Keeping the Blade album. It was very experimental but I loved the sounds and I made some new fans through it so I’m pleased. Like I always do, I just create what I like to hear 😀 And through the Velvet Room Lobby I have found some more people that dig my music so that’ s a huge plus! Makes me smile too. The number of fans on the Sleeping Awake Facebook page has increased significantly. I’m so stoked!

To everyone though: Thank you for all your support and love through everything! I promise I will never sell-out or sell my soul to a record company. I will forever remain on Bandcamp and underground as much as possible. I want to play all the big clubs one day. But I want to do it off hard earned success not because I have some record company pushing my music saying it’s the next best thing. I want fans who truly dig what I put out and not have anyone tell me what is supposed to sound good.

Freedom of writing, music, and speech! The internet is a wonderful thing. We’re the Digital Nation right now people and that leads me to my next update. Everyone that has followed my blog since the beginning probably know about my number 1 favorite band. It’s Machinae Supremacy. And they have a brand new album coming out! Oct. 19th will be the release! And it’s called Rise of a Digital Nation. The album cover is sick too:

Going back to Sleeping Awake. I have a new track uploaded called Subtle Things and it’s pretty much complete probably going to be the intro track for the new album after In The Shadows Volume 4 is released. So that’s two albums coming your way folks! Some more Persona jazz fusion style electronica and another SA official release 😀 So now for that song preview, let me know what you think:

Another teaser here… CLU3 has something coming soon!

Many more updates to come! Thank you for all who diligently check my blog. I should be back in the swing of replying and updating all my social sites soon lol. Check back soon!

My First Livestream!

This Saturday I’m doing my first Livestream online! I’m using a site that I just found and I’m totally digging called: plug.dj! It let’s me stream my music online and have people join the stream via the browser and listen in on what I’m playing! It’s awesome, like a virtual concert so to speak! There will be a chat bar in the lobby as well so you can chat with me and other listeners. I will not only be playing my music but some of my favorite tunes as well!

The stream will take place on Saturday August 4th starting at 1pm and lasting until 4 pm. That’s 3 hours of party hosted by yours truly Crimzen 😀

If you have a Facebook and would like to join the Event I have the link for the Event Page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/284962421611248/

To get the direct link to the Livestream check back on this blog, Event Page, or Sleeping Awake Facebook page for it on Saturday. I can’t supply a link right now because it has to be unique to the lobby on the day of.

If the times I have selected don’t work, no fear! I’m going to be doing multiple of these every weekend at varying times. So stay tuned I’ll announce more dates and times soon! I hope to see you on Saturday listening to my tunes and my favorites 😀 also to keep in mind: You can keep the lobby open in a tab and do other things online. As long as you keep it open in a tab or minimized you can still listen and view other things online 😀

Keeping The Blade OUT NOW!

Keeping The Blade OUT NOW! Get your copy today! Tell your friends and spread the word! Let me know what you think of the new album

The Crimzen General Project = Keeping The Blade

Finally resolved on an album title and song names. The new Sleeping Awake album will be called Keeping The Blade. It has been completed I am no just adding the finishing touches to it and confirming some album art. Soon I’ll have everything ready for release! Release date is:  Friday June 29th 10:30 AM Eastern United States Time. Get pumped! Please spread the word as well. I’d love to see a ton of downloads on release!

Head over to: sleepingawake.bandcamp.com to pick up my other albums as well! Spread the word people this new album totally defines the Sleeping Awake name and everything I’ve done up until now! 😀


The new album art is finally done! It looks amazing! Nyarko did an incredible job! Check them out below I have widgets for all three Volumes:

It’s Over 1,000!

I just hit over 1,000 page views, awesome! In other news, I forgot my laptop cord today so I have very limited amount of time on my computer. Does anyone know if I buy another battery for my laptop complete with power cord, will that give me better battery? Because it’s on that leg where it doesn’t want to hold a charge for more than 30 min.

Also, I have some more tracks uploaded and they’re for In The Shadows Volume 4! You should check the setlist and listen to the new ones:

Let me know what you think! The new tracks are: Battle Tactics, Retribution of the Lost, and Yukari’s Theme (Lover Arcana Remix)!

Good Stress and Bad Stress and Awesome News

Posting and updating is even harder now because I have a new job and that’s taking up most of my time and I have no internet and with recent findings… I won’t be getting internet until I get my own place which won’t be for a year probably. Things are good stressful and bullshit stressful right now. How to deal with anxiety? I don’t know right now. It’s really hard. Some things stress me out more at home than they do anywhere else so going to work is almost a godsend in itself. The job I’m doing really isn’t that hard. But it’s a learning experience and it’s a great one. One I hope that by moving up I won’t have to do much school. Which that means less loans to pay back. I like that. The less debt the better.

I’m really just saving towards my own place for me and my girlfriend because things are just way to stressful where we’re at. Having to live with other people besides the one you want to be with causes so much extra unnecessary stress that you don’t need that wrecks your body. Honestly my health is being affected by it.

People talking behind your back. Making you feel like shit. Things like this happen in my situation and you have to suck it up and deal with it or you’re on the street. Taking beatings left and right. But I digress, it could be worse. Such is life. But I’m going to be getting out hopefully very soon with the woman I love and around people I want to be around.

I have in the works, a great thing coming soon! I have someone that might be able to do some amazing album artwork for me for my Shin Megami Tensei inspired albums: In The Shadows. He has extraordinary art and he looks like he should be working for ATLUS, that’s how good he is. Here’s his deviant art to check him out:


So this is semi-confirmed. We’re still writing back and forth on the details, but I for one am excited. I want to see this grow beyond my music. Into amazing fan created material and universe that could get recognized by ATLUS and the world! More people who play games should know about Shin Megami Tensei and how awesome it is. Especially people who are burnt out of Square Enix.

Speaking of In The Shadows, I have added something to Volume 4 setlist on Soundcloud. Take a listen for me and let me know how I’m doing! 😀

Big Moves Coming

So there’s a lot going on. I’ve been working a lot for other people. Building websites and helping around. So time is limited and it sucks even more when I have no internet access most of the time. So time is of the essence and I’ve had more time to chill with my laptop not connected to the internet and that has resulted in some crazy things.

One was CLU3. That’s my side chiptune music project that started out as a bunch of random noise that I put together because I was running out of imagination for my next Sleeping Awake In The Shadows album. From working through some crazy tunes and finding some awesome retro samples to tweak around with, I ended up with BITSTORM. Now after delving a bit deeper and putting more of my style into it, I’ve got another album from CLU3 coming out next Friday, May 11th called Panoramic Pixel View. And if you download that you’ll get a bunch of awesome extras. Including bonus album art and wallpapers. And if you have a Facebook, I would totally appreciate it if you could go to the CLU3 Facebook Page and ‘Like’ it, that would totally make my day!

Now I’ve also got some regular things planned out for Sleeping Awake. In The Shadows Volume 4 is slowly coming along. I really want this to have some amazing tracks, nothing lackluster. But in between I have been working on some regular Sleeping Awake tracks that may or may not make their way to Soundcloud and Youtube. Let’s just say that there’s something big coming in the future and it’s going to be awesome. If not to the world, it will be awesome to me 😉

Please support my projects if you take the time to listen, read, and download. It would mean everything to me to see an extra Like, Follow, Listen, or Download. It’s what makes me smile when I log on to the internet to see someone else who liked my music and started to share it and follow me.

And for everyone that already has and continues to do so, THANK YOU! You are more awesome than you know!

Please Help Me Spread The Word!

So I’ve grown to love my little side project CLU3 and started to really try this Chiptune avenue and see what I could make. And I like it. I’m not sure how well it bodes to the rest of the world’s ears but I enjoy what I’ve come up so far. This time I decided to give it a bit of hype before just releasing it under peoples noses and saying: ‘Hey check out this new stuff’ Now you’ve got about a whole week in advance.

I’m trying to get people in to this just as they are in to my Sleeping Awake stuff. Now it is different, some people may not like it and that’s okay. But if you have listened to BITSTORM and like this little side project of mine, please show some love by doing these small little things:

1. Like the Facebook page! So far only 2 likes, I would love to have more and people talking about it, here’s the Facebook page link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/CLU3/227745803994325

2. If you have a Soundcloud start following me there as well: http://www.soundcloud.com/clu3

3. Download BITSTORM if you haven’t already! It’s totally free, just when clicking Buy Now just enter 0.00 and it’s yours for free! Here’s the link to the BITSTORM album: http://clu3.bandcamp.com/album/bitstorm

4. Pre-order the new album Panoramic Pixel View! You get 3 free songs off the bat plus when it releases on May 11th, you’ll get a ton of awesome bonus album art and wallpapers. Once again totally free, just put in 0.00 or if you think it’s worth some actually money you can always put in whatever amount you wish! Here’s the link: http://clu3.bandcamp.com/album/panoramic-pixel-view

And to anyone that does this, thank you x100000000! Because it would make my day!