Tag Archives: Persona 3

Crimzen General // Possibly Linked to the SMT Graphic Novel

I have the set of songs on Soundcloud that are yet to be named and will be on the new Sleeping Awake album. In The Shadows Volume 4 is almost complete but this little side project of mine has been brewing in between and I’m loving the new sounds. I’ve talked about it before it’s the Crimzen General Project. This music seriously still blows me away. I feel that my style of music will always be moody and ambient-like. I never seem to get really hyper or fast with my tracks. I’m a very mellow person and I feel that shows in my music as well.

Let’s just say I was playing a lot of Persona 3 and Skyrim when I came up with this Crimzen General music. It does have a slight base in a short story I’m writing. Could tie in to my SMT Graphic Novel 😉 Could not. Maybe based off a couple of Characters that might appear later in the story. All the more reason to listen in. Everything is gearing towards this graphic novel and I’m super excited. It’s going to be a slow process but every small step is like Christmas for me because it’s something new that I’ve never done before! 🙂 So without further delay, check out this set and let me know what you think!


SMT Graphic Novel Commenses!

Working on Volume 1 of the first series of my graphic novel. Completely inspired by Shin Megami Tensei and their Persona series. It’s going to be a combo of the two since I like both aspects of those series’. Updates have been few and far between because of work and no internet. It really does suck! My deviant art friend Nyarko who made the new album covers to my In The Shadows albums is helping me make this graphic novel look amazing. You should definitely check out his art here:


I can’t draw worth crap, but with Nyarko’s help and my story. I hope that we can bring forth a great comic that SMT fans will enjoy 🙂

All Work And No Play

Almost literally 😛

I’m hoping that soon I’ll have some more free time to flesh out everything I have going on. As of right now one project is completed and ready for publishing! In The Shadows Volume 4 is about to come out soon. Nyarko will be providing art just like he did to revamp my other 3 Volumes. It’s going to be awesome.

Now another thing that’s brewing. Remember that Persona/Shin Megami Tensei story I was working on. I want to turn that in to graphic novel and I think Nyarko will help me with that. I’m going to be working on the story and coming up with base (crappy) sketches. And then Nyarko will be making the awesome complete panels! I’m stoked and I hope this can work!

My job is going awesomely and I’m liking it a lot so far. I will update soon!


The new album art is finally done! It looks amazing! Nyarko did an incredible job! Check them out below I have widgets for all three Volumes:

Anticipating Art and Price Drops!

The artwork for the 3 Volumes of In The Shadows is complete! I’m just waiting for the e-mail so I can finally see them. I’m still very excited!

While scanning through Amazon today I saw some really great deals! If you ever wanted to check out the Persona games or the regular Shin Megami Tensei series, most of their games are on sale on Amazon for 19.99! Here’s the link to Persona 4:

If you scan around I saw Persona 3 FES, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, and Digital Devil Saga for 19.99 as well. Great deals, especially right now in the summer. Usually you can’t find one of these under 30 bucks.

A Few More Updates

Some great news. The job is going very well, so far the training is good and the team leaders are great! I feel that this job will be refreshing, a learning experience, and of course good money to help me survive! Which also means my projects get to move further. Speaking of projects I’m very excited about the new album art coming to In The Shadows. Nyarko, a user from Deviant Art has agreed to make some album art from me and I am completely excited. Check out his work and give him some love:


He has amazing Shin Megami Tensei fan art and I can’t wait to see his album designs. That’s the biggest news. I’ve almost got In The Shadows Volume 4 completed and a lot of songs for it already. If you look in the post below I have a set list already up on Soundcloud with most of the tracks uploaded on it. A big favorite of mine is a remix that I did of Lover Arcana. When I originally made that song I wish it was longer and done a bit differently. Now I have done it! And since it’s the Lover Arcana that inspired it I renamed it Yukari’s Theme.

E3 is coming up soon so expect to see awesome posts from me about my favorite things. To follow E3 in FULL I recommend going to Kotaku. They are going to cover the entire thing as well as having streaming coverage. ❤ Kotaku!


Because I prefer the blog view 😉

Also the Crimzen General Project is still on going and will follow a set theme. With a story hopefully. I love the Coheed and Cambria concept of having an underlying story. Since I have no vocals I’m going to have an accompanying PDF file that tells a bit of a story to go with the music and I hope that it adds to the experience and you guys/gals enjoy! More tracks for that is coming soon as well! I’m a busy bee but don’t worry I’m still here even with no internet access, I wifi when I get the chance 😀

Good Stress and Bad Stress and Awesome News

Posting and updating is even harder now because I have a new job and that’s taking up most of my time and I have no internet and with recent findings… I won’t be getting internet until I get my own place which won’t be for a year probably. Things are good stressful and bullshit stressful right now. How to deal with anxiety? I don’t know right now. It’s really hard. Some things stress me out more at home than they do anywhere else so going to work is almost a godsend in itself. The job I’m doing really isn’t that hard. But it’s a learning experience and it’s a great one. One I hope that by moving up I won’t have to do much school. Which that means less loans to pay back. I like that. The less debt the better.

I’m really just saving towards my own place for me and my girlfriend because things are just way to stressful where we’re at. Having to live with other people besides the one you want to be with causes so much extra unnecessary stress that you don’t need that wrecks your body. Honestly my health is being affected by it.

People talking behind your back. Making you feel like shit. Things like this happen in my situation and you have to suck it up and deal with it or you’re on the street. Taking beatings left and right. But I digress, it could be worse. Such is life. But I’m going to be getting out hopefully very soon with the woman I love and around people I want to be around.

I have in the works, a great thing coming soon! I have someone that might be able to do some amazing album artwork for me for my Shin Megami Tensei inspired albums: In The Shadows. He has extraordinary art and he looks like he should be working for ATLUS, that’s how good he is. Here’s his deviant art to check him out:


So this is semi-confirmed. We’re still writing back and forth on the details, but I for one am excited. I want to see this grow beyond my music. Into amazing fan created material and universe that could get recognized by ATLUS and the world! More people who play games should know about Shin Megami Tensei and how awesome it is. Especially people who are burnt out of Square Enix.

Speaking of In The Shadows, I have added something to Volume 4 setlist on Soundcloud. Take a listen for me and let me know how I’m doing! 😀


In The Shadows Volume 3 is AVAILABLE! Free Download! Only 85 left! After that I have to wait until the 22nd to have more free downloads 😀


In The Shadows Volume 3 Releases Tonight! 7pm

So it’s finally here! All the tracks are finalized and in awesome FLAC format. Ready to be listened to by the masses! And it will be released tonight! At 7pm EST. If you have Facebook I’ve created an event for the launch of this album. Click the link below to join it! It’s a public even so all you need is a Facebook account:


I had an awesome time finishing up this album. I’ve had a lot of great things pop up in my life and made some extra tracks that are different, more evolved, even for me! I hope you enjoy. 😀

Awesome Stats!

So having been campaigning quite a bit for Ron Paul and such I had put my music on a back burner. Totally forgetting to check things I log in to my deviant art account while looking for some cool Ron Paul art. Suddenly I see I have 58 notifications, it’s all from the Persona group I asked to join. As I’m looking through the new Persona art fans had uploaded I noticed a journal entry about Persona Fan Music. I had asked the creators of the group if they’d possibly check out my Persona inspired music and help give me a plug, well they did! And they sure gave me a huge one! Right now, for the past week, I’m sitting on more stats than I’ve ever had in a single month…or six!

Plug for the group:
