Tag Archives: Video Game Music

Good Stress and Bad Stress and Awesome News

Posting and updating is even harder now because I have a new job and that’s taking up most of my time and I have no internet and with recent findings… I won’t be getting internet until I get my own place which won’t be for a year probably. Things are good stressful and bullshit stressful right now. How to deal with anxiety? I don’t know right now. It’s really hard. Some things stress me out more at home than they do anywhere else so going to work is almost a godsend in itself. The job I’m doing really isn’t that hard. But it’s a learning experience and it’s a great one. One I hope that by moving up I won’t have to do much school. Which that means less loans to pay back. I like that. The less debt the better.

I’m really just saving towards my own place for me and my girlfriend because things are just way to stressful where we’re at. Having to live with other people besides the one you want to be with causes so much extra unnecessary stress that you don’t need that wrecks your body. Honestly my health is being affected by it.

People talking behind your back. Making you feel like shit. Things like this happen in my situation and you have to suck it up and deal with it or you’re on the street. Taking beatings left and right. But I digress, it could be worse. Such is life. But I’m going to be getting out hopefully very soon with the woman I love and around people I want to be around.

I have in the works, a great thing coming soon! I have someone that might be able to do some amazing album artwork for me for my Shin Megami Tensei inspired albums: In The Shadows. He has extraordinary art and he looks like he should be working for ATLUS, that’s how good he is. Here’s his deviant art to check him out:


So this is semi-confirmed. We’re still writing back and forth on the details, but I for one am excited. I want to see this grow beyond my music. Into amazing fan created material and universe that could get recognized by ATLUS and the world! More people who play games should know about Shin Megami Tensei and how awesome it is. Especially people who are burnt out of Square Enix.

Speaking of In The Shadows, I have added something to Volume 4 setlist on Soundcloud. Take a listen for me and let me know how I’m doing! 😀

Some Amazing Stuff Here

So my favorite band of all time’s lead singer got a Soundcloud today. The stuff Rob is putting out is quite amazing! I have no idea if this is a solo album-ish or possibly work for a game he could be making or getting made. Either or, this stuff is epic. And it’s worth a listen! So do yourself a favor and check it out! Here’s the link below. I promise this music will blow your mind and make your heart happy!

Shin Megami Tensei Fan Music

I am a huge fan of Shin Megami Tensei. Especially the Persona series but I still love it all. And with that I wanted to make music that sounded similar to the game’s soundtrack. The music is just one of the many amazing things I love about this game franchise. Shoji Meguro is an amazing composer and I love every bit of music he has made for these games. Now I’m just a beginner musician. But I put as much as I could into these songs until I felt they gave me a Shin Megami Tensei feel. But tell me what you think! My albums are free to download and can be found on my Bandcamp page. Click the album covers below to go to each album. Please send me your feedback as well! Let me know if you want to hear more!